Fletcher Trees Ltd is very proud of its Environmental Accreditation. 99.4% of our waste is recycled in the following ways
Wood chip is either used as a mulch on flowers beds by Local Authorities or sold to the UK power stations as a Bio fuel.
All timber is processed into chippings
In the last 12 months we have improved our Environmental performance in the following ways:
Members of the team have attended wildlife courses to improve our knowledge and recognition of wildlife near to our place of work.
We now used bio fuel within plant such as saws, where possible.
Any materials procured are from sustainable sources. We have reduced our carbon footprint, considerably by ordering materials directly to site.
We encourage clients to use wood chip as a form of mulch rather than expensive, decorative bark mulch.
The use of electronic tablets on site, to reduce the need for printing work sheets and paperwork.
Vehicle pooling to reduce the need for pointless car journeys.